「研究紀要 日本大学歯学部(一般教育)」



チタンおよびチタン合金の溶存酸素還元に及ぼす蛋白質の影響 第5報 血清被覆電極
・・・神山明生 山岡 大 野元成晃 藤原忠夫…1

・・・山岡 大 藤原忠夫…13

・・・手嶋健介 小森規雄 野元成晃 目澤修二…21

・・・野元成晃 名取愛一郎 西山 司 湯浅 智…31

・・・野元成晃 鈴木信雄 田中昌一 神山明生…41

・・・桑田文幸 稲毛稔彦…49

・・・佐藤 恵 竹脇千恵 酒井秀嗣 杉田平三 清水 勲 塩谷正勝…59

Boundedness of Pseudodifferential Operators with Double Symbols
・・・Yoichi MIYAZAKI…67


Cultural Comparisons between Japan and the West
・・・Eric GEORGE…81

親鸞の「大行」−『教行信証 行巻』−



・・・満足 忍…105

1. dass文,zu不定詞句をとる動詞 (2)
・・・藤原 進…113

Transactions of NIHON UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY (General Studies) No.28(2000)

§ Original

Effects of Proteins on the Oxygen Reduction of Titanium and Titanium Alloy V. Serum-Coated Electrodes
... Akemi NASUDA-KOUYAMA, Masaru YAMAOKA, Shigemitsu NOMOTO and Tadaio FUJIWARA...1

Development of Physics Education with a Personal Computer
- Measurement for Voltage-Current Characteristics of Diode by A/D Converter -
... Masaru YAMAOKA and Tadao FUJIWARA...13

Non-destructive Analysis of the Dental Metallic Restoration
- The Electrochemical Method with Hydrochloric Acid -
... Kensuke TEJIMA, Norio KOMORI, Shigemitsu NOMOTO and Shuji MEZAWA...21

The Potential Sweep Polarization Curves for Dental Amalgams in Lactate Solution
... Shigemitsu NOMOTO, Aiichiro NATORI, Tsukasa NIHIYAMA and Satoshi YUASA...31

The Potential Sweep Polarization Curves for Dental Amalgams in Hydrogencarbonate Solution
... Shigemitsu NOMOTO, Nobuo SUZUKI, Shoihi TANAKA and Akemi NASUDA-KOUYAMA...41

The Effects of Cytokines during Tooth Germ Development
... Fumiyuki KUWATA and Toshiyuki INAGE...49

Endocrine Control on the Reproduction in White Stork
... Megumi SATO, Chie TAKEWAKI, Hidetsugu SAKAI, Heizo SUGITA, Isao SHIMIZU and Masakatsu SHIOYA...59

Boundedness of Pseudodifferential Operators with Double Symbols
... Yoichi MIYAZAKI...67

D.H. Lawrence and His Income - 1901 to 1912
... Haruo SATO...75

Cultural Comparisons between Japan and the West
... Eric W. GEORGE...81

"Taigyo" of Shinran
... Toshihiro KOBAYASHI...89

§ Miscellaneous

Onomatopoeia and Mimesis in Japanese and English
... Yukimasa HOSOKAWA...97

Studies on the Motives with "Grimm's Märchen" (1)
Metamorphosis of "Human to Animals "&" Animals to Human"
... Shinobu MANZOKU...105

Analysis of German Basic Vocabulary
1. Verbs with "dass-Satz" or "zu-Infinitivphrase" (2)
... Susumu FUJIWARA...113